One of the original UK cargobike shops, born in the late 2000’s and dedicated to the use of cargobike in our UK places. We tune, fix, customise and build cargobikes. we specialise in URBAN ARROW and Larry vs Harry and offer objective, relatively unbiased advice and all the parts, bits and spares we can find for the URBAN ARROW range of cargobikes. Bosch, Enviolo, Magura certificated, powered by green energy, a warm welcome to all.
RUB is a small cargo/utility workshop space that has always helped people use a bike for practical transport. we/i have a mixed customer base and everyone is treated the same, all brought together with our love/need/desire to move around our public spaces as normal people in normal clothes just moving around without a car.
CARGOBIKES since 2006, URBAN ARROW since 2013. BS37 8QF
Selling building and repairing cargobikes to inspiring people for nearly two decades, no patronising speak, some honest semi partial advice, focusing on just a few good carrier bike brands and we ride the brands that we sell and work on. Person and kid friendly, powered by green energy, visits and test rides mainly by appointment 7 days a week, Trained and experienced in most Ebike tech, spares on the shelf, collection and drop off arranged, customer focused with a love of good customer service, cargobikes and a vision for change. the best place to buy Urban Arrow, almost the best place to buy TERN and lots of Bullitt and Omnium parts and knowledge.
URBAN ARROW, ENVIOLO, MAGURA, BOSCH, LARRY vs HARRY, NEXUS, ALFINE, ROHLOFF, ABUS, and more cargobike related stuff for sale online and instore.
our space is run on 100% renewable energy, we recycle as much as we can…use British companies as much as possible and try to be nice.