The Elephant Bike Upgrade Tusk
We like the idea of the Elephant bike, a good sturdy workhorse for £280 is a bargain.
We have upgraded a few of them now, it seems a luck of the draw on the bike you get, all are refurbished and repainted, but the wheel age and condition is variable and the frames can have more or less dinks in...its all part of the game though and we like the project, read more about the project to get 5000 bikes reallocated, some to Africa, some to UK streets..
The main upgrades we recommend are.
Regearing, standard gears seem very high, a larger rear sprocket makes the hills easier..
A Dynamo front hub, Sturmey Archer make a dymano drum brake hub so its a straight swap..a bit pricy but worth it for an all year around bike.
chaincase, We have found one by Hebie that fits the large front chain ring, but if you make the front crank set smaller you have more options..38 teeth is a nice size..
5 speed gears for a little extra range...and keep the look and functionality of a drum brake...we like the new SA 5 speed.....
perhaps a frame lock....
That's pretty much it...a good solid bike with a good cause behind it...
we can supply, we can upgrade and maintain...